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New Exclusive Club Penguin Secret Agent Sneak Peek!

Take a look at this sneak peek for secret agents :

Club Penguin says it’s someone who’s gonna be helping Agents in the future! Is it a new Club Penguin character? Is it the Director’s assistance? Hmm, doesn’t it look like Dot, the penguin from Elite Penguin Force?

 We’ll have to find out this December!

New Club Penguin Mission 11 “You Decide”!

A lot of people are excited for Mission 11, and since it’s being developed right now, Club Penguin wants us help them decide on some stuff that’ll go into the Mission!

Club Penguin wants you to decide which glasses we will be able to earn in mission 11! These are the options:

To vote for your favorite pair of glasses, Click Here


Sports Catalog Cheats

Club Penguin has released their newest party for members only at the Ski Village! It’s called the Great Snow maze! There’s tons of fun throughout Club Penguin for all players though.

Before you start the Great Snow Maze, go and pick up the free item at the Ski Village

Here’s a picture of the Blue Pompom Toque from the Ski Village:

Now you’re ready to start the Great Snow Maze. If you want to cheat, Club Penguin has posted a map for you to use at the Ski Village.

To view the map, first click on the Maze Map stand. Then click on the big red button in the bottom right that says “Show Map.” Finally, a map will appear with the directions to go in the Great Snow Maze.

Here are the directions for the Great Snow Maze:

Here’s a picture of Yeti Cave, or the end of the Great Snow Maze:

Inside Yeti Cave, you can pick up a prize for completing the Great Snow Maze.

Here’s a picture of the Great Snow Maze prize, the Yeti Costume:


Fire Ninja's Journey

We have this amulet that we bought to get to the Fire Path but its not just for that.
I have found a new photo of the amulet :

Club Penguin is going to make 2 other rooms in the Ninja hideout that are the Ice Path and the Water path and we are going to collect crystal for our amulets when we complete every Path by beating the Sensie there when you have completed your Costume.
Here is the picture of the completed amulet :

Also the Sensei said that when you have 1 crystal you can enter special rooms.
Here is a picture:


New Fire Path Ninja Outfit

Here is a picture of the new fire outfit that you can get at the fire path by playing the new game.

Card-Jitsu Fire Sneak Peek

Club Penguin just posted a sneak peek of the new multiplayer game coming November 24th called Card-Jitsu Fire. The sneak peek is of one of the power cards on Card-Jitsu fire.

Also, Club Penguin has released many new trading cards for Card-Jitsu fire. The new Card-Jitsu Fire Sensei Collector tin comes with a sheet with all of the cards so that you can check off which ones you have.

The cards are available now at a lot of places including Target, Walmart, Toys ‘R’ Us, and Disney Stores. You can also get them online at and the Club Penguin Shop starting November 24th.


Sensei in New Fire Dojo Outfit

1. Sensei is currently wearing a fire outfit for the release of Card-Jitsu fire. Here is a picture of Sensei’s current player card:

2. When you find Sensei on Club Penguin, you can get a free gift! Currently, Sensei’s free gift is the autograph background. Here is a picture of Sensei’s autographed background:


Club Penguin Finished Fire Dojo Picture

Today I found a picture of what the Fire Dojo will look like when it is finished. This will be available November 24th. Here is the sneak peek:

I’m really excited for the Fire Dojo to be finished. It looks like there will be two mats where two players can play versus each other, one mat for three players, and one mat for four players. Are you ready to become a fire ninja?

New Pin – Hot Chocolate Pin

Furniture Catalog Secrets

Fire Dojo Almost Finished


Maze Game Sneak Peek

CP have released a sneak peek on there blog.

It looks like a maze game and you move a snow truck round the maze.
It will be out on the 27th for members it may come out for non-members but as they have just made a members only room, it may just be members only to make people buy membership so Disney can squeeze more money from little children.

Card-Jitsu Fire New Image

CP has made a new blog post confirming that it will be upto 4 multiplayer. and it will be out on the 24th.
They also say something about using all cards not just fire.

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